Smart Moves Swim - Preschool - Level PS 2 - Lesson 07

Smart Moves Swim - Preschool - Level PS 2 - Lesson 07

  • Mirror
  • Sinkable animals
  • Underwater ball
  • Dive ring
  • Fins - PDF (Positive Drive Fins)
  • Noodle
  • Alignment (triangle) kickboard
  • Mat - large
  • Platform (Island)


1.  Entry Down Stairs - P05
Child holds railing as necessary Child walks down stairs

Warm Up

2.  Frog Breathing
Child sits on stairs with chin touching surface of water, holding ankles (like a frog about to jump) Take a breath, turn head to look down and blow bubbles Turn head back up while chin stays in water (without sitting up), breathe in again at surface Repeat

3.  Bobs - P01
All together on island Breathe in at surface Submerge vertically and exhale slowly underwater

4.  Underwater Ball - P01
Pass ball around underwater On island(s)

Reviewed Skills

5.  Front Glide - P06
Hands on top of legs/thighs Glide on front One at a time, Island to teacher and back OR Island to island/stairs

6.  Noodle Swim - P04
Child with noodle around back, under arms Child kicks propulsively with face in water, looking down All at a time / together

7.  Front Swim - P06 trackable
Platform to teacher or other stopping point Hands on legs/thighs Kick

8.  Back Swim - P01 trackable

Platform to teacher or other stopping point Hold triangle board on top of legs Kick on back

9.  Back Swim - P02 trackable
Platform to teacher or other stopping point Hands on top of legs/thighs Kick on back

Warm Down

10.  Jumps - P03 "Monkeys On The Bed"
All standing on pool deck Wait for cue Jump in

11.  Obstacle Course - P02
Teacher designs obstacles with mat(s) Child swims to mat(s) Walks or runs on mat(s) Jumps in and swims to parent (Level C/D) or stopping point (PS)


12.  Climb Out At Edge - P02
Elbows up on deck Pull body up to lie down on tummy One knee up on deck and climb out Teacher assist only as necessary

Skill levels: PS Level 2